Muzeul Satului Bucovinean / Bucovina regional village museum

V-am aratat recent o atractie draguta a orasului Suceava, si anume cel mai mare ou de paste din lume. Este timpul sa va spus si despre celelalte doua obiective majore din vecinatatea acestuia. In primul rand, Cetatea de scaun Suceava, care este sub renovari serioasa si care nu se putea vizita cand am trecut eu prin acea zona… Al doilea obiectiv turistic din zona este „Muzeul satului Bucovinean”…

Poate nu aveti prea mult timp sa vizitati Bucovina sau poate faceti doar o mica incursiune in aceasta regiune asa cum am facut eu, dar acest muzeu o sa va arate foarte multe lucruri despre Bucovina foarte repede… Ei bine acest mic muzeu deschide calea catre viata rurala a bucovinei si catre cateva din traditiile si momentele importante in viata de sat… Case adunate din diverse sate, imbinate perfect in peisaj creaza un sat mic si nelocuit dar superb de frumos. Desi nelocuit, am avut surpriza de a auzi voci din cateva din aceste case si binentele ca am intrat sa vad ce se intampla… Cateva manechine si o inregistrare suna dintr-o boxa, pentru a ne afisa un moment din viata omului de la sat. Nu orice moment binenteles, dar cateva din cele mai importante din viata oricarui om… Parcurgand acest sat, parcurgem deasemenea prin viata, de la nastere pana la moarte, trecand prin momente unice cum ar fi copilaria sau nunta. Un deliciu cultural si traditional rar intalnit.

Poate sunteti doar curiosi, poate vreti sa vedeti datinile si obiceiurile tarii noastre, sau poate vreti doar sa petreceti o dupamiaza intr-un loc magic si linistitor. Indiferent care este motivul vostru, va promit ca acest muzeu este pentru voi 🙂


I recently showed you a nice attraction in the city of Suceava, the biggest Easter egg in the world. It is time i tell you about the other two huge touristic  attractions in the vicinity… First we have the Suceava fortress, which is currently under restoration work, and was not visitable when i was in the area… The second objective i will show you now, and i am talking about the Regional village museum of Bucovina…

Maybe you don’t have the time to visit Bucovina too much, or perhaps you are just making a small incursion in the area as i have, this museum will manage to show you very much, very fast. Well, this museum opens the way to the Bucovinean rural way of life, with a few traditions and moments of life in a village… Houses gathered from many many villages, combine perfectly with the scenery to create a small and deserted village, but amazing nonetheless. Even thou it is uninhabited, i had the surprise to hear voices coming from inside some of the houses, and of course i had to go in and investigate… A few mannequins and a recording coming from a speaker, all to show us a moment in life. Not any moment of course, but some of the most important in the life of any man… Going through this village, we go through life, from birth till death, passing through unique moments such as childhood and marriage. A rare cultural and traditional relish.

Perhaps you are just curious, or maybe you want to see some of the traditions of our country, or perhaps you just want to spend an afternoon in a magical and soothing place. No matter the reason, i promise you this village is for you 🙂

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