Posts Tagged ‘castelul peles’

Mici detalii / Small detalils

Detaliile mici fac diferenta. Si pentru ca data trecuta cand am fost la Castelul Peles, nu am observat tot, mai completez acum putin…


The small details make all the difference. And because last time i visited Peles Castle, i did not notice everything, i complete now the post…

Hydrocentrala Castelului Peles. / The Hydro-powerplant of Castle Peles.

Tocmai ce am re-vizitat faimosul castel din Sinaia si de data asta am fost un pic mai curios si am facut o mica descoperire… Stiam ca palatul Peles a avut curent electric functional inca din anul 1884, ceea ce nu am stiu este ca hydrocentrala ce alimenta palatul cu energie este inca in picioare si surprinzator este inca functionala… Astfel am zis sa va arat si voua cateva fotografii cu aceasta hydrocentrala 🙂


I just happened to re-visit Sinaia’s famous castle and this time i was a bit more curious than usual and i made a tiny discovery… You see, i know that the Peles Castle had working electricity since the year 1884, what i did not know was that the tiny hydro-electric power plant that supplied the castle with energy is still standing and even more impressing it is still running… Thus i will show you a few photos of this tiny plant…