Archive for the ‘Monumente si Istorie’ Category

Mausoleul de la Marasesti / The Mausoleum from Marasesti

Ziua buna tuturor.

Este timpul pentru o mica lectie de istorie. Nu este exact subiectul meu preferat, dar ceea ce va prezint astazi necesita o privire in trecut… Astfel va spun bine ati venit in judetul Vrancea, unde va asteapta Mausoleul de la Marasesti, monument ridicat in cinstea eroilor din primul razboi mondial (construit 1923 – 1938).

Ce s-a intamplat aici?

„In timpul Primului Razboi Mondial, dupa pierderea Bataliei pentru Bucuresti, guvernul si armata romana, alaturi de o parte a populatiei, s-au retras in Moldova. In acel moment, statul roman exista doar in limita granitelor acestei provincii istorice.

Conform intelegerii dintre germani si austro-ungari, daca armatele romane erau invinse, intreg teritoriul romanesc urma sa fie anexat de Austro-Ungaria, ducand la dizolvarea Romaniei ca stat.

Pe intreaga perioada a confruntarilor cu Puterile Centrale, Romania a pierdut 250.000 de soldati si 430.000 de civili, suma insumand aproape 10% din populatia tarii.
Sacrificiul acestora a insemnat pastrarea independentei si suveranitatii tarii si a castigat prin sange dreptul prin care teritoriile locuite de romani erau alipite tarii mama in anul 1918. ”   sursa

„Pe aici nu se trece!” Expresie care a devenit legenda in istoria Romaniei datorita eroilor ce au refuzat sa se retraga in fata fortelor inamice. Grigore Ignat, Ecaterina Teodoroiu si multi multi altii si-au dat viata pentru libertatea tarii noastre.

Pe langa superbul mausoleu ce se poate vizita, tot aici mai gasim si un mic muzeu al luptelor de la Marasesti. Picturi reprezentand diverse lupte ne plimba prin istorie din vremurile lui Decebal si Traian pana in timpul primului razboi mondial. O colectie de arme, fotografii, echipament de razboi, drapeluri si multe altele ne spun povestea luptelor din 1917. Un loc superb, informativ si foarte important pentru orice roman in viata astazi.


A good day to you all.

Today it is time for a small history lession. It’s not exactly my favorite subject, bu what i will show you today, needs a glance to the past… Thus i welcome you to Vrancea District, where a huge Mausoleum awayts you at Marasesti, dedicated to the heroes of the first world war. (built 1923-1938)

What happened here?

” During the first world war, after losing the battle for Bucharest, the gouverment and the romanian army, along with a big part of the population withdrew to Moldova. In that moment, the Romanian state existed only within the limit of Moldova’s borders.

Acording to the pact between the germans and the Austrian-Hungarian empire, if the romanian forces were defeated, the whole romanian teritory would be taken over by the empire, and Romania would be disbaned as a state.

During the whole confrontation with the central Powers, Romania lost 250.000 soldiers and 430.000 civilians, suming up to around 10% of the population.
Their sacrifice gained the independence of Romania and won by blood the teritories that were lost in the past.”   source

„You shall not pass!” Expression that became legend in Romanian history thanks to the heroes who refused to back down in front of enemy forces. Grigore Ignat, Ecaterina Teodoroiu  and many many more gave their lives for the freedom of our country.

Next to the superb mausoleum there is also a small museum dedicated to the fights at Marasesti. Paintings that represend different fights take us on a stroll through history from the time of Decebal and Traian all the way to the first world war. A colection of weapons, photos, war equipment, flags and more tell us the story of the battles that took place in 1917. An amazing place, informative and very important for any romanian living today.